Light Pastel Blue Color Number. pastel blue is a light, soothing shade of blue with the hex code #a2bffe that sits in the cooler spectrum of colors. In the rgb color model #aec6cf is composed. the color code for pastel blue is #aec6cf, while the color code for light blue is #add8e6. The hex code for pastel blue is #aec6cf. Pastel blue is a pale blue shade with the hex code #a7c7e7, slightly redder. the hexadecimal rgb code of pastel blue color is #aec6cf and the decimal is rgb(174,198,207). the color pastel blue with hexadecimal color code #aec6cf is a medium light shade of cyan. in a rgb color space, hex #aec6cf (also known as pastel blue) is composed of 68.2% red,. The specific color hue reflects a delicate balance between. pastel blue is a light blue shade with an rgb value of 174, 198, 207. This cold and gentle color is achieved by adding a little blue paint into a white base.
Pastel blue is a pale blue shade with the hex code #a7c7e7, slightly redder. In the rgb color model #aec6cf is composed. the hexadecimal rgb code of pastel blue color is #aec6cf and the decimal is rgb(174,198,207). the color code for pastel blue is #aec6cf, while the color code for light blue is #add8e6. in a rgb color space, hex #aec6cf (also known as pastel blue) is composed of 68.2% red,. The hex code for pastel blue is #aec6cf. pastel blue is a light blue shade with an rgb value of 174, 198, 207. pastel blue is a light, soothing shade of blue with the hex code #a2bffe that sits in the cooler spectrum of colors. This cold and gentle color is achieved by adding a little blue paint into a white base. the color pastel blue with hexadecimal color code #aec6cf is a medium light shade of cyan.
21 Beautiful Pastel Color Palette Examples with Color Codes
Light Pastel Blue Color Number the hexadecimal rgb code of pastel blue color is #aec6cf and the decimal is rgb(174,198,207). the color code for pastel blue is #aec6cf, while the color code for light blue is #add8e6. pastel blue is a light, soothing shade of blue with the hex code #a2bffe that sits in the cooler spectrum of colors. the color pastel blue with hexadecimal color code #aec6cf is a medium light shade of cyan. This cold and gentle color is achieved by adding a little blue paint into a white base. The hex code for pastel blue is #aec6cf. the hexadecimal rgb code of pastel blue color is #aec6cf and the decimal is rgb(174,198,207). Pastel blue is a pale blue shade with the hex code #a7c7e7, slightly redder. In the rgb color model #aec6cf is composed. The specific color hue reflects a delicate balance between. in a rgb color space, hex #aec6cf (also known as pastel blue) is composed of 68.2% red,. pastel blue is a light blue shade with an rgb value of 174, 198, 207.